Saturday, February 27, 2010

Back swelling (13)

Male patient, 29 years old C/O Back swelling for months (


  1. Dear Dr.
    Could be Infected Verruca
    i want to know what do you think

  2. Dear Dr. Fayek.. although the cytological features are compatible with verruca - as you said- yet the gross features are suggestive of keratoacanthoma. Epidermal and trichilemmal cysts are excluded.

  3. I can see a creater in the middle...also there's no invasion...and this may go with 2ry infected keratoacanthoma....Maha Akl

  4. “You know, you’ve got 10 guys here, 10 guys here; they’ve left their families; they’ve left their damn families to help this country, as in a sports venture,” Rodman said to CNN. “That’s 10 guys, all these guys here, does Oakley Fives Squaredd anyone understand that? Christmas, New Year’s ... I don’t give a rat’s ass what the hell you think.”NBA Commissioner David Stern noted the league has not had any role in the trip and suggested the game would be counterproductive.The Rodman interview Oakley Discount came up at the White House briefing on Tuesday. Press secretary Jay Carney said, “I’m not going to dignify that outburst with a response.”Carney said he had seen the interview but didn’t discuss it with the president.
    In a TV interview Oakley Apparel Wholesale last summer, former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee called glitter bombing “an assault.” The former Arkansas governor added that the glitter-throwing activists “ought to be arrested.”Glasser, who has practiced in D.C. for more than 30 years, uses similar language in describing Oakley Online Factory Store the medical impact: “Leaving politics out of this completely … it’s like throwing a custard pie in their face. You’re not going to blind them with it. But with this type of metallic, sharp-edged material, one could almost consider it an Oakley Bestdeals assault.”
    Pelosi’s declaration wasn’t a call to arms for Democrats to vote down the workers bill — her aides insist the San Francisco Democrat didn’t whip it one way or the other given that she was torn between her president Oakley Batwolf and her liberal base. Instead, it represented a recognition of the political reality: Most Democrats had already made up their mind that they wouldn’t be voting to bail out Obama, the leader of their party.It was a stunning setback for Obama’s Oakley Radar Visor months-long trade push. The TAA bill was rejected in a lopsided 126-302 vote, with only 40 Democrats and 86 Republicans voting yes.
    They’re encouraging partygoers to donate $5 or more to the Fisher House Foundation, a housing charity for military families, Oakley Outlet Products in memory of Biden. And rather than heading to the party, Carney will be leaving Washington early to attend Biden’s funeral, an updated invitation states.But, they say, the mood won’t be somber. “This is supposed to be a fun event. It’s Oakley Official Sale maybe not a rowdy aviators party, but it’s kind of like, wear your sunglasses and show your appreciation for Joe and the family,” said McBride. “It’s a symbolic gesture to show love to the family and Joe, of course.”


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